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Healing Fault Lines, Raja Yoga Will Pay Off

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The static human capacity is enormous. If it were fully revealed, one would know no bounds. However, the irony is that because of our blurry vision, a large part of the landscape of our mind remains unexplored and, therefore, remains dormant. Normally, we have access to approximately 5 to 7 percent of our mind space. The seeds of thought stored in it, which even include indicators of fate, usually drive our thought process, and therefore all actions on our part. Once an adequate ground becomes available, it plays its part. The question now is: Are we wholly bound by the indications of our destiny as the general belief goes, or do we have room to make the necessary adjustments through conscious effort?

To answer, we need to study the hypothesis on which fate is based. All species except humans adhere to the design standards behind their manufacture and have no room for exceptions. On the contrary, humans have the exclusive privilege to direct their actions by choice and discrimination. But when the option of choice is triggered, the probability of its use and abuse becomes equal. There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. We must be aware of the consequences of the good or bad choices we make. It is clear that the intention behind the choices made, and the actions involved in them, determine what we will deserve in life – good or bad. This is what connects us in a chain of cause and effect that runs in succession, until it extends to the next life.

Therefore, it seems difficult to evade the consequences of karmic carry over from the past, because they are a reflection and undoing of our work. However, if we dig a little deeper, we may find that this is only half the truth. We forget that the choice of choice itself will also force us to be able to make a conscientious choice to make the necessary adjustments. The mind is a versatile tool that can reflect itself on its thought patterns. If you examine it without emotion, it may shed light on our desires and mental tendencies, with all their pros and cons. We may identify and acknowledge our potential and our fault lines. Then, we can make the necessary adjustments with new pedagogical inputs. Also, hone our potential. Not only that, having overcome the limitations of the mind, we can expand our vision and thus our mental capacity to come out with our best self.

No wonder Swami Vivekanand used to say, “The history of the world is the history of a few men who believe in themselves. Faith calls out to the divinity within, you can do anything. You fail only because you don’t struggle enough to reveal a tremendous power within you.”

It simply means that if you fail in life, it is not necessarily because fate will be written that way. It’s more because of the lack of effort needed to reveal the vast potential within, which has so far lurked in hibernation.

I had to explain it when no one could understand how the raja-yogas in the chart itself does not guarantee good luck. The ground for its fruition must be created by addressing the mind-limiting tendencies that stand in its way. The person had come asking for instructions as to why his son’s potential had not come to fruition. His son’s career was subject to unwanted twists and turns and thus he did not settle down despite being in his late thirties. This, despite having a good academic background. A look at astrological signs may shed more light.

9 Lord Moon in the 10th house, recited with Lord Ten, Lord Sun 5th conjugate, Jupiter, form a very powerful Yoga Raja. But restricted mental inclinations were practicing sports that spoiled his positives. Karmic Saturn paired with Ketu makes him a fugitive. Usually, he keeps postponing his initiatives for tomorrow. Also, he avoids taking challenges head on. Placing Moon opposite Neptune makes him stick to his fanciful dreams, often far from Earth realities, and not keen on looking beyond to check reality. He will not admit the truth when it first appears. Rather, he continues to fervently pursue his beliefs on hope against hope until he is pushed to the wall. Venus is placed opposite Uranus and the Sun, which makes it very sensitive and sensitive. Therefore, he trains even in trivial matters, continues to think about them and think about them for a long time. Mars in the fourth house placed opposite Uranus makes it moody. When things don’t go his way, in the heat of the moment, he may temporarily lose his sense of reason. The result is there to see.

The writer is an astrologer, broad consultant

A spiritual advisor. Connect with him on

Tel: 91-11-9818037273 / 9871037272

